The Best Load Boards: DAT Load Board - OTR Solutions

Discover The Best Load Boards: DAT

OTR Solutions is partnered with DAT to bring you the best load boards, freight factoring and back office solutions.

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DAT Load Boards Have Everything You Need In One Place

Many load boards lack in one area or another. Whether you’re looking for hotshot loads or hazmat loads, DAT does not restrict you. Freely haul without issues.

What is the Best Load Board? It's Simple... DAT.

The DAT Load Board has the tools that owner-operators and trucking companies need to succeed in the competitive trucking industry.

Leading Name with Leading Loads

DAT is one of the most known names in the realm of trucking, with the name comes its benefit of having the fastest and most readily available loads.

Accurate Data

Don’t fall victim to other freight load board providers that claim to be the best load boards. Many times a load board provider will say one thing and you will pay another. DAT gives you 1:1 true rates with the added benefit of market forecasting.

Incredibly Affordable

By starting at only $49/m, DAT load boards are incredibly affordable, making it an excellent choice for small trucking companies all the way up to corporate companies.

Trucking Load Boards Become Simplified With DAT

DAT removes the complexity behind trucking load boards by offering a tailor made solution that’s both incredibly intuitive to use and powerful at the same time.
Truck Driver Managing His Business on His Phone

OTR Solutions X DAT: The Perfect Match

OTR Solutions provides comprehensive support tailored for new trucking businesses.

Low-Rate Freight Factoring

When you partner with OTR Solutions (or DAT) you get access to industry-leading freight factoring with the lowest fees around and the highest reliability in payment.

Discounts on DAT Services

Not just freight load boards, your OTR Solutions partnership grants you exclusive discounts on many DAT products.

End to End Management

Enjoy complete control and seamless management over your cash flow with OTR Solutions end-to-end management system. Your partnership gives you access to your very own back office team, simply by factoring invoices with OTR Solutions.

Your Partner in Trucking Success

Ready to unlock your true cash flow potential? Sign up with OTR freight factoring services today and gain the additional benefit of access to unparalleled freight load boards with DAT.

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