OTR Capital partners with KeepTrucking, #1 provider of ELDs

OTR Capital partners with KeepTruckin, the number one provider of Electronic Logging Devices (ELDs).

Last Updated on: May 14, 2024

OTR Capital partners with KeepTruckin to provide clients with the most affordable, easy-to-use solution to stay compliant with ELD mandate.
KeepTruckin is the number one provider of Electronic Logging Devices (ELDs)

In advance of the ELD mandate set to take effect in December 2017, OTR Capital has spent close to a year evaluating ELD providers. After seeking feedback from our strong, trusted client base and comparing industry satisfaction with several leading providers, OTR is proud to announce our partnership with KeepTruckin.

Top-of-the-Line Customer Support
One Of OTR’s highest-priority criteria for an ELD provider was the quality of service that needed to be provided to our clients. KeepTruckin customer service has been described as “impressive compared to any type of IT- based company.”

Affordable Solutions
OTR sought an affordable solution so it was simple and cost-effective for clients to stay compliant with ELD mandate. OTR compared pricing with usability for almost a year between providers and feels confident that KeepTruckin adds the best value on the market.

Simple Setup Process
KeepTruckin installation takes just minutes, no mechanic necessary. We encourage you to Sign Up Free or Request a Demo by clicking here!

Focus on Ease-of-Use
KeepTruckin is the highest rated electronic logging system by drivers, most popular due to its focus on ease-of-use.

“Our newly formed partnership with OTR Capital will make truckers’ lives easier,” says John Verdon, KeepTruckin’s Head of Partnerships. “OTR provides carriers with much needed working capital, and KT helps optimize their operations, while keeping them compliant at the same time. Together we can take the trucking industry forward.”

Learn about the key features of KeepTruckin technology!

If you have any further questions before signing up or requesting a demo, feel free to contact your OTR Account Manager!

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